The Hysteria about the Christian Vote
It’s the same at every election. The internet and the news
are flooded with commentaries on the Christian vote. Usually Christians end up
looking really stupid, much of it their own fault.
The faith of a political candidate is irrelevant. Practical
reasons aside, because there aren’t enough believing candidates around in a
presidential election, the president’s faith won’t save the nation. It won’t
fix the deficit and it won’t secure a single job. A leader’s morality is
another thing — and here is the kicker: you can be a highly moral person
without believing in anything. Faith may help but faith in itself doesn’t make
you a moral person.
And even the best possible combination from a Christian
perspective, ie a moral ruler of faith won’t always be right. For that, look no
further than adulterous, murderous king David or his son Solomon. Their morals
were less than stellar during the later stages of their rules.
What counts in politics is the impact leaders have on their
people’s lives, not their faith. What also counts is the political engagement of the people to
be ruled. The beauty of a democracy is that we have a say — if we so choose. Unless
the electorate gets involved, educates itself and lives out the moral standards
their looking for in a leader, anyone with a knack for demagogy can promise the
pie in the sky and people will fall for them.