My Life Will Be Short
Here is some very poignant advice about how to live your life from people who should know. How do they know? Because they are terminally ill.
Almost ten years ago, I found myself wondering about the exact same things. I am grateful my leukaemia turned out to be treatable — but at the time I didn’t know and I had to think hard about whether my life had been worth it up to that point.
The thing is, we are all terminally ill. We age and when we stop aging we die — despite all the Botox, anti-aging cremes, detox, mindfulness and what not.
So, make it count. Here is how — in one short sentence from each person sharing their view.
‘I don’t sweat the small stuff any more’
‘Don’t waste energy fighting’
‘Having a sense of purpose brings joy’
‘It’s not about the quantity of time I’ve got, it’s the quality’
‘Cancer sorts out what really matters’
‘Sharing your feelings helps’
‘My illness stripped me of my fears’
‘Stop worrying about having a good job or needing a big house’
‘Find gratitude’
‘Go to the parties. Stay out late’
‘Have a goal. Don’t accept defeat’
‘You are enough; you make a difference’
‘No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and get out’
‘I’ve stopped caring what others think’
‘Never create a new regret’
‘I realised what I really wanted to do’
‘Leave the damn house’
‘Just buy it. Do it. Go and get it’
‘I soon realised what I liked about life’
‘Look after yourself first’
‘My favourite saying is: it is what it is’
‘What’s the point of earning, earning, earning, if there’s no joy in your life?’
‘Be authentically you’
‘Keep things simple’
‘Switch every negative to a positive’
‘Success, status, reputation – they are not important’
‘Your energy is valuable’
‘Don’t mess around. Be direct’
‘I should have trusted myself more’
‘Treat every smile like it’s your last’
This list is based on ‘My life will be short. So on the days I can, I really live’: 30 dying people explain what really matters, published in The Guardian on January 27, 2024.